Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
แบบทดสอบจับคู่ Index => แบบทดสอบจับคู่ Matching exercise Match the items on the right to the items on the left. Check Half British-Egytian ??? Lasagne Leigh-Ligh,Leigh,Fresh Princess Jesminda Spaghetti & Meatballs High Wycombe Mexican-nachos with all the trimmings Black and red Jade Thirlwall Blue Gwen Steffani What's Perrie favorite color? ??? Lasagne Leigh-Ligh,Leigh,Fresh Princess Jesminda Spaghetti & Meatballs High Wycombe Mexican-nachos with all the trimmings Black and red Jade Thirlwall Blue Gwen Steffani What's Jesy favorite color? ??? Lasagne Leigh-Ligh,Leigh,Fresh Princess Jesminda Spaghetti & Meatballs High Wycombe Mexican-nachos with all the trimming...